Webmoney USD (WMZ) wallet top-up

609,00 EGP3.129,00 EGP

Global accounts top-up

SKU: GYX-5588974076 Category: Tags: , ,

WebMoney is a global payment system and environment for online business activities that was founded in 1998. It allows users to send and receive money, exchange currencies, and pay for goods and services online. WebMoney is also known for its low fees, fast transaction times, and wide range of supported currencies.

WebMoney works by using a network of guarantors, which are companies that hold user funds in reserve. When a user makes a payment, the guarantor transfers the funds to the recipient’s guarantor. This system ensures that all payments are processed quickly and securely.

WebMoney offers a variety of features for both individuals and businesses, including:

  • Multiple account types: WebMoney offers a variety of account types, including personal, business, and merchant accounts. This allows users to choose the account type that best meets their needs.
  • Low fees: WebMoney offers low fees on all of its services.
  • Fast transaction times: WebMoney transactions are processed quickly and efficiently.
  • Wide range of supported currencies: WebMoney supports a wide range of fiat and cryptocurrencies.
  • Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods: WebMoney offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, wire transfers, e-wallets, and prepaid cards.
  • Business features: WebMoney offers a variety of features for businesses, such as mass payouts, custom payment flows, and an API.
  • Security: WebMoney is a secure and reliable payment system. It uses a variety of security measures to protect its users’ funds, including two-factor authentication and SSL encryption.

WebMoney is a popular choice for both individuals and businesses who need a reliable and affordable way to send and receive money, exchange currencies, and pay for goods and services online. It is also a good choice for businesses who need to make mass payouts or create custom payment flows.

Here are some of the benefits of using WebMoney:

  • Low fees: WebMoney offers low fees on all of its services.
  • Fast transaction times: WebMoney transactions are processed quickly and efficiently.
  • Wide range of supported currencies: WebMoney supports a wide range of fiat and cryptocurrencies.
  • Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods: WebMoney offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, wire transfers, e-wallets, and prepaid cards.
  • Business features: WebMoney offers a variety of features for businesses, such as mass payouts, custom payment flows, and an API.
  • Security: WebMoney is a secure and reliable payment system.

If you are looking for a global payment system with low fees, fast transaction times, and a wide range of supported currencies, then WebMoney is a good option to consider.


8 USD top-up (12.60 USD), 17.20 USD top-up (23 USD), 27 USD top-up (33.80 USD), 44 USD top-up (56 USD), 55 USD top-up (65 USD)


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